Wednesday 4 January 2017

Throwback to 2014


What I want to show you here is my new nose ring:O. Or nah? It's one of those clip on rings that can fit wherever you want it to. I like 'em on the cartiladge, they can fit in your hair, they can it in your nose, they can fit on your ear, as well as your toes. They're also great for gauging how good (or bad) you'll look with a particular piercing.
Now for the good bit:

Price: £1.29
Quantity: 8
Purchased at: eBay

Next is the choker! Not as violent as it sounds,it's good for matching with simple bold colours (fuschia, cobalt blue, lime) on a night out or a place for looking sophisticated. Gold is also winner, but I bought silver because I have too much gold.
 It's super comfy too:

Price: £3.99
Quantity: 1
Purchased at: eBay

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